Winston Pro Advisor Jeff Currier’s 3 Favorite Spring Flies


Spring fishing conditions in Idaho can be less than forgiving.  One day its cold and you want to stay home.  The next day it’s in the 50°s and you can’t wait to get out the door.  The bottom-line however, is you need to be geared up for either predicament because no matter what the conditions, fish can be caught.  You simply need to carry the right flies and get out.  Here’s a rundown on the three spring fly patterns I can’t live without. (more…)

Eric Neufeld’s All-Inclusive Guide to the new AIR TH

For decades, Winston has been revered and sought after as the rods that combine the right amount of feel and power in a two-handed rod. The blend of high modulus graphite, Boron and premium hardware have made these Green rods favored worldwide

New for this season we have the New Winston Air TH Series.  This new collection of rods encompasses the blend of Boron III technology, Super-Silica nano resign, high modulus graphite, flor grade cork and the high end components never to be seen before in a two-handed rod.  Winston, located in Twin Bridges Montana, is the only company to harness all these materials into a hand-crafted rod.

Brian Silvey and Michael White have worked in calibration with Annette McLean, Senior Rod Designer at Winston, to bring 10 new models to market.  Without a doubt, these rods have a distinction unto themselves. The feather weight feel is noticed by simply putting them together. The first shake of the rod gives the caster an indication of its sweet action. Like treasured rods of the past, the deeper deflection or “Winston Feel” is certainly apparent in the Air TH range. With this said, this by no means the action is “slow”. These rods have a wonderful observed load sensation, giving the caster enormous feel but with stunning recovery. This precise load gives the caster reference as to what is happening during the casting stroke. These reference points are important in anchor point set up, the swivel to the key position or forward stroke. The caster then can execute the cast purely on feel, allowing for tempo to be created in a natural way. The incredible light weight action is due to the Super Silica resin system, allowing for less swing weight. Air TH rod line weights are consistent in each family and are appropriate for their line designation.

Without further ado, introducing the all-new Air TH Family: (more…)

Sinking lines and Floating Shad – Fishing the White River by Matt Millner, Winston Pro Staff

Deep in Arkansas’s North Ozarks, a hard bottomed river known as the White runs clear and cold. This tailwater runs out of Bull Shoals Dam with flows that fluctuate between 780 and 30,000 cfs.

Anglers from all over the world have come to fish the White River this season. Each morning the boat ramps are lined with trucks and boat trailers, anglers are threading sinking lines through the eyes of their favorite streamer stick, and bucktail, marabou and stacked deer hair dangle from leaders as anglers prepare in the hope of turning a monster. (more…)

News from Twin – March 2019


 “Anyone who chases Permit knows that it’s a high stakes game. There are so many things that have to go right in order to get your hand around the sharply forked black tail that we dream of seeing poking up on a shallow flat. It goes without saying that you need to have a rod in your hands that you “really like” when the opportunity to feed one presents itself. For me, the Winston 9 weight Air Salt fits that bill.”Steve Joyce from our friends at Red’s Fly Shop


UP YOUR GAME – Lessons from the 100 Pound Club by Kyle Wilkinson, Winston Pro Staff

The lights of Miami glowed all around as we put the miles behind us. The 4 cylinders of our budget priced rental hummed with enthusiasm as we began the southbound trek down Highway 1. Next stop– Islamorada!

Prior to this trip I had exactly one ‘big tarpon’ trip on my resume and the way I describe it to my friends likely wouldn’t be appropriate for this forum. Let’s just say the weather wasn’t on our side. We saved a little face on that trip by spending some time in the Everglades and I even managed to land one baby tarpon. I still remember being in awe at the power that 25 pound fish had. The obsession had begun. For some reason however, the multiple salt trips that followed in the years to come never included tarpon. This needed to change.
