Who first handed you a Winston and said, “Here, give this a try…”?
Was it your parents, or grandparents? Perhaps a professional fishing guide, fly shop employee, or your closest fishing partner? Regardless of who introduced you to your first Winston, it’s a special moment that will follow with a lifetime of fishing adventures and fond memories.
We believe that the only thing more special than receiving a new rod is receiving a new rod with a customized inscription. This holiday season, we’re doing just that. Until December 18th, with any new in-line Winston purchase through an authorized dealer, we’re offering a free inscription hand written by our professional calligraphers.
To participate, simply follow these details:
- Contact your Favorite Winston Dealer and provide the rod and inscription detailsHOLIDAY INSCRIPTION SPECIAL GUIDELINES and FORM FINAL
- Program is limited in-stock rods at the Winston Facility. No backordered products allowed.
- To ensure timely delivery, Winston will dropship directly to you at no additional charge.
- Inscriptions are limited to two lines and18 characters per line, the 18 character limit includes spaces between words. Remember, simpler inscriptions are always better!
- No inscriptions on rods shorter than 7’6″ The outside diameters of these models are simply too small to fit an inscription.
- To guarantee an inscribed rod arrives for Christmas day, Winston needs to receive the order by Friday December 13th.
- The last day to take advantage of this program is December 31st, 2024.
We have created a simple sheet that has these details and a form to easily enter your order information and submit to an authorize dealer.
Click the hotlink below to download the form:
For further details, don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at Winston via phone at 406.684.5674 ext. 1, email at info@winstonrods.com, or contact your favorite Winston Dealer and place the order.
From all of us at the R.L. Winston Rod Company, we wish you a very happy holiday season!
Hoping 2025 is your best ever! Jim and Donna Teeny
I received my fist Winston Rod as free gift when I took a Life Membership of Fly Fishers International in 2017
it was such a lovely rod to cast so I bought a second rod LT 7’9″ #4.
Unfortunately due to ill health I have not fished for the last 3 years but hope to be back on the water in 2025.