Who first handed you a Winston and said, “Here, give this a try…”?

Was it your parents, or grandparents? Perhaps a professional fishing guide, fly shop employee, or your closest fishing partner? Regardless of who introduced you to your first Winston, it’s a special moment that will follow with a lifetime of fishing adventures and fond memories.

We believe that the only thing more special than receiving a new rod is receiving a new rod with a customized inscription. This holiday season, we’re doing just that. Until December 18th, with any new in-line Winston purchase through an authorized dealer, we’re offering a free inscription hand written by our professional calligraphers.

To participate, simply follow these details:

  1. Contact your Favorite Winston Dealer and provide the rod and inscription detailsHOLIDAY INSCRIPTION SPECIAL GUIDELINES and FORM FINAL
  2. Program is limited in-stock rods at the Winston Facility. No backordered products allowed.
  3. To ensure timely delivery, Winston will dropship directly to you at no additional charge.
  4. Inscriptions are limited to two lines and18 characters per line, the 18 character limit includes spaces between words. Remember, simpler inscriptions are always better!
  5. No inscriptions on rods shorter than 7’6″ The outside diameters of these models are simply too small to fit an inscription.
  6. To guarantee an inscribed rod arrives for Christmas day, Winston needs to receive the order by Friday December 13th.
  7. The last day to take advantage of this program is December 31st, 2024.

We have created a simple sheet that has these details and a form to easily enter your order information and submit to an authorize dealer.

Click the hotlink below to download the form:


For further details, don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at Winston via phone at 406.684.5674 ext. 1, email at info@winstonrods.com, or contact your favorite Winston Dealer and place the order.

From all of us at the R.L. Winston Rod Company, we wish you a very happy holiday season!