2019 marks R.L. Winston Rod Company’s 90th Anniversary of building the world’s finest fly rods. To commemorate this event, Winston is very proud to re-introduce a series of special edition Legacy Rods, which includes four of our most revered models. Each Legacy Rod demonstrates our tradition of innovation and the famous “Winston Feel,” which have brought anglers back for their next Winston time after time.
The rods are hand-inscribed as special edition models and feature original specifications, including ferrule style, material and action. Our historic Winston Trophy label and unique uplocking nickel silver reel seat complete the definitive look.
Orders for the 90th Anniversary Legacy Rods can be placed through your Authorized Winston Dealer and will only be accepted through July 1, 2019.
BORON IIt 8’6” 4wt. ACTION: Medium | The Staff of Moses The Boron IIt, the first Winston to incorporate higher modulus graphite with a light application of Boron composite into Winston’s celebrated light line trout tapers, achieved a celebrated, even biblical reputation among dry fly enthusiasts. The most distinguished rod in the Boron IIt series was the famous 8’6” 4 weight. The rod was so highly regarded, that it was dubbed “The Staff of Moses”. To its fans, The Staff of Moses, displayed an uncanny ability to present the smallest of flies, on the lightest of tippet, and land surprisingly large trout. The Boron IIt series set the stage for utilizing modern materials in classic, moderate, and progressive rod actions. The Staff of Moses is the epitome of this series and the definition of Winston innovation. |
DL4 7’6” 3wt. ACTION: Medium-Slow | The Graphite Rod with a Fiberglass Soul The DL4 series was the first and only 4-piece Winston rod series with internal spigot ferrules. More progressive than the highly touted 3-piece IM6 models, the series gained a distinct reputation as the graphite rod with a fiberglass soul. The 7’6” 3 weight was one of the most popular small water rods Winston ever developed, able to load a standard 3-weight double taper lines in as little as 10 feet. From size 30 flies to the lightest of tippet, these small stream rods have been fished in thin blue lines barely discernable on topo maps the world over. Although the series ran for just 2 years, the DL4’s unique feel soon gained a cult following shortly after its discontinuation. Today, DL4 rods are highly sought after to round out a collector’s quiver of Winston rods. |
WT 8’6” 5wt. ACTION: Medium-Fast | Winston’s Most Popular 81/2’ 5-weight Rod Since 1975, when Winston first began working with graphite material, the 5-weight rod has been a key rod for the company, as it is smooth enough for delicate dry fly presentations, yet powerful enough for wind, nymphing, and small streamers. The most popular of all the Winston WT 5-weight models was the 8’6” 5 weight. This configuration was so balanced and smooth, that Joan Wulff chose this rod as her favorite. It’s delicate enough for the lightest of tippet, yet crisp and accurate to maintain line control at distances up to 60 feet. It’s light, lively, and fun to fish. If someone had to own one trout rod, the WT 8’6” 5 weight would be tough to top. After all, who would disagree with Joan Wulff? |
IM6 9’ 5wt. ACTION: Medium
| The Classic for All Time We wish we had a nickel for every time a long-time customer said, “I love your new rods, I own a few of them – but I’ll never get rid of my two-piece IM6”. It is the classic graphite rod that introduced the famous “Winston Feel.” The IM6 9’ 5wt. 2-piece exemplified Winston’s definitive, balanced action and demonstrated the company’s revolutionary ability to build a lighter weight rod with a faster recovery taper. This rod can do everything a trout rod needs to do – from casting smaller dry flies, to pounding the banks with streamers out of a drift boat, to nymphing with easy mends. |
I love my im6 9′ 5wt. 2-piece. I’ve had it for so many years I can’t recall now when I first bought it, mid-90’s before the series went to WT for sure. I got it online from a shop in Sun Valley and they didn’t give me the tube or a sock when they sent it to me, but I got a warrant registration card and think I sent it in, could look for the serial # if you need it. The reel seat has always been a bit too big for my Ross Gunnison 2 and I had to add some tape to the reel seat to make it work. Now the cork is worn pretty badly too, from so many days on Yellowstone and Montana streams. Still my go to and favorite rod ever inspite of it’s short comings.
Would it be possible to get some restoration work done on the old gal, say a new reel seat and cork, and how about a sock and tube after all these years I’d like it to last for many more. I live near Livingston and could bring or send it to Twin Bridges for the work. I’d really like to treat it to a make over.
I own two these beauties that you commemorate, the IM6 and the DL4. They will never be replaced in my quiver of favorite fly rods. I own many new ones and several newer Winstons, but these are two of the finest rods I have ever fished. On a visit to Montana I toured your facility to see where my favorite rods were made. I met Mr. Tom Morgan, what a kind gentleman. He recommended the 9′ IM6 for my fishing interests and it has been one of my go-to rods ever since.